
All prints in this section are limited edition giclee prints, i.e. high resolution digital prints from original artwork, using fade resistant inks, light and colour fast, on German etching paper to British archival standards.

Giclee prints are mounted and backed, using high quality acid free off-white mount board. Mounted A3 size (average outer size 43 x 53 cm) prints can be ordered here at £95. Allow around two weeks for delivery. Framed A3 prints at £175 can be ordered, please just contact the artist:

A4 prints mounted and framed as above are available to order at £75. Unframed A4 mounted (not framed) are £60.

My giclee prints and cards can also be obtained on the sites below; your order gets sent straight to your home.


A new series has evolved this year entitled “Abode”, recording impressions of small buildings, sometimes occupied, in the landscapes where I live.


In a series of 16 pieces entitled ‘Habitat’ I have looked at endangered species, both in Scandinavia and the Peak District. From birds my interest spread to plants, butterflies and small mammals. Many of our precious species are now in decline due to loss and degradation of natural habitat, environmental and climate change. Prints in A3 size mounted can be ordered below.


This category is mainly based on the area where I live, The Peak District.  During the pandemic I walked a lot, from my door around my area, finding new undiscovered paths and loops. It was in many ways like discovering my own micro world with new eyes. As life began to return to ‘normal’ it was exciting to be able to travel further afield again and explore. Prints can be ordered here as A3, A4 or A5.

Place Mapping

This is a series of mixed media narrative works on the theme of Place Mapping, documenting moments along the journey, walking in the Peak District, Yorkshire, Cumbria, Wales or the coastlines. The images are available in limited editions as framed or unframed prints; below listed samples to order if not currently in stock. If you are looking for small (A5) mounted (unframed) prints at £40 from this series PLEASE contact the artist to order.

Moon Almanac

Framed A3 prints are popular from the Moon Almanac, and can be ordered from the artist at a cost of £175. Please allow at least two weeks for ordering.

Becoming Real

Framed A3 prints at £175 are available on order from the artist.