This is my first ever blog, which also salutes the new style web site hereby launched! I am excited to have a so called contents managed web site now, which allows me to link up my web presence with the social media as well. This change also involves me in managing all the on line work myself, so I am truly learning, in my case still by baby steps, but ten years into this high tech millennium I am slowly getting there!
I have set up an Artist Page on Facebook in addition to my profile in the last month. There I aim to post alerts with links to the web diary every time there is a new blog published, and will hopefully do the same on Twitter.
I have a busy time over the summer, a reality for all working artists, so I try and live one week at a time. This week I have been recovering from The Great Sheffield Art Show, which was held at the University of Sheffield. It was my first time there and I found it a great learning experience at a well visited and thoroughly organised show. We were seven artist members from Peak District Artisans there this year; it is truly a great help to have the support from friendly colleagues when taking on a new challenge. I showed a new triptych “Northern Spring” there for the first time. I went back to my roots in northern Sweden in March/April this year and witnessed what I call the Big Thaw there in early April. A magic time.
Great Sheffield Art Show link:
I am now getting ready for the 4th Great Dome Art Fair 23th-24th July, the biggest annual show for Peak District Artisans, and also a Buxton Festival Fringe event.
Thanks for reading my first diary entry!